Should You Accept a Promotion Without a Raise?
If you are offered a promotion but not a raise, consider what you have to gain and lose before deciding whether to accept that new position or retire gracefully. Learn how to answer this common interview question + 15 ways you can add value to work according to bos
MISCHELLE NTULI19-12-20232 minutes readMore Posts
Brand Ambassadors
MISCHELLE NTULI11 minutes readDid you know that research shows 84% of consumers believe in the strength and influence of brand ambassadors?
The Benefits of Promoting Employees: A Guide for Managers
MISCHELLE NTULI0 minutes readPromoting employees is a great way for them to take on new responsibilities and complex tasks that challenge them to grow in their career. Companies should be careful when promoting someone, as they don't always make the right decision 82% of the time. Read this gu
How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Promotion
MISCHELLE NTULI1 minute readAre you looking for a promotion? Learn how to increase your chances of getting promoted by demonstrating leadership, staying up-to-date on industry trends, and asking for feedback from your supervisor or colleagues.
The 4 P's of Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide to Promotion Strategies
MISCHELLE NTULI1 minute readThe 4 P's of marketing are an essential part of any successful business strategy. Learn about the different types of promotion strategies and how they can be used to maximize success.